Essay format paragraph
Friday, August 28, 2020
Email Essays
Email Essays Email Essay Email Essay Great day, Madam. My boss, Mr. Faustman, might want to welcome you to a lunch meeting at King Charles Hotel on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. Ruler Charles Hotel is situated at River Street. You will both talk about your arrangements and any extra thoughts for the new venture. Additionally coming is Mr. Rory Webster, the associate director of Mr. Faustman. He will be available at the gathering to share his thoughts for the new project.This update has been given with respect to the voyaging course our organization is directing to be held in your setting. We might want to educate you that our visitor speaker is Dr. Melanie Dobler, a notable voyaging advisor. All things considered, we might want to demand for the booking of an organization room sufficiently huge to oblige around one hundred individuals who will go to the class. We might likewise want to demand for the fundamental office hardware like seats, tables, PC and a screen for PowerPoint introduction. We likewise prefer to remember for o ur solicitation the printing of copies of preparing materials. Notwithstanding these, we might likewise want to demand for two breaks and an easygoing lunch.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jazz history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Jazz history - Essay Example While not explicitly ‘jazz’ in the strictest sense, W.C. Handy’s commitment to bringing to blues to standard praise is very much recorded. For his job in recording and promoting what had recently been provincial southern music, Handy is currently alluded to as the ‘Father of the Blues’. While ‘Memphis Blues’ isn't Handy’s most well known chronicle (that respect has a place with ‘St. Louis Blues’), it maybe has the most fascinating story. The melody was initially titled ‘Mr. Crump’ to reprimand a nearby government official, yet was really embraced by that equivalent legislator to advance his battle. After three years the melody was given various verses, and its name was changed to ‘Memphis Blues.’ In arranging the Clef Club, a jazz band of grouped artists, in 1912 James Reese Europe turned into the principal proto-jazz band to perform at Carnegie Hall. In 1913 Europe got engaged with a formal dancing bunch named the Castles. Europe’s melodic backups to the Castle’s traditional dancing helped break racial boundaries inside the United States and Europe, and their chronicles by the Victor name made them, alongside the Original Dixieland Jazz Band’s works, probably the most punctual known jazz accounts. No far reaching history of early jazz chronicles would be finished without including the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. The Original Dixieland Jazz Band are notable as the main recorded jazz craftsmen, starting with their 1917 melody ‘Livery Stable Blues’. While ‘Tiger Rag’ wasn’t the main recorded melody, numerous pundits view it as their generally well known.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Were the colonies justified to essays
Were the settlements defended to papers Were the settlements defended to announce autonomy? In 1763 after the war between the French and Indians and the English began the send more soldiers into the US and began to get new laws to get more cash-flow to Britain from the US. Despite the fact that the British had won the war they experienced a great deal of monetary difficulty. They had now gigantic obligations and they needed to reimburse them some way or another. These obligations were unreasonably huge for the English to pay so they imagined that they could get all the cash out of the settlements. Obviously the Americans didnt like this and this is the explanation that they pronounced their autonomy. The British began a wide range of acts and obligations like the Stamp Act which put burdens on nearly everything composed, the Sugar Act which put burdens on sugar, espresso and wines that were imported to the US in significant sums, Quartering act which wasnt a duty however the Americans needed to take care of the British officers sent to America. The British contemplations about there rights to burden the states are composed by Thomas Whately in his handout contemplations The Colonists obviously detested and abhorred these charges and began challenging them. There where numerous episodes where the homesteader assaulted the British or the reverse way around. Possibly the absolute most popular are the consuming of the Ship Gaspee, the Boston slaughter and Boston casual get-together. The Boston slaughter wasnt actually a slaughter in light of the fact that solitary 5 individuals kicked the bucket yet it made the pioneer irate. This occurred in 1770. After the slaughter additionally the Boston casual get-together occurred here. This time the Sons of freedom were behind it. The English frantic at the settler for the opposition and slaughtering of their troopers however they didnt comprehend that the Americans didnt like their new laws and expenses and they proceeded to advertisement new ones and wouldnt change the old ones. Obviously this furiated the Americans in light of the fact that the expenses were actually excessively high and the main pur ... <!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Resarch Paper - Overview
Resarch Paper - Overview Even if you can't locate a specialist in the respective region of your research, you can approach a friend or a colleague or maybe an expert writing assitance organizations to identify the correct structure and fashion in your report. If your report is poorly written, individuals will tend to presume your research is also poor and you're giving the assessor a simple excuse to provide you with a lower grade. Although a lot of scientists are busy people they're often prepared to spend some time supplying you with information. Many scientists and students spend a huge portion of their careers attempting to steer clear of statistical tests. The perfect place to begin your research is on the internet since it will offer you direct details. It's true, you are going to check and read massive amounts of information. So, the one thing you must do is merely to organize information you've found and texts you have written for your research. You should beware of us ing information on the internet that isn't cited as there's no system of peer review and data can be quite inaccurate. Research Paper preparation means handling a whole lot of information. You should make sure the study you will create will properly present the research questions which will be answered through the assistance of the items you will provide within the full document. You ought to make sure the information on your research paper is organized, in order for your readers won't have any trouble reading. More so, you could also do a survey or some other strategies for you to acquire first hand information that you're able to evaluate for the study. Whispered Resarch Paper Secrets After it you just need to find and process all of the information on your topic, write everything you've learned in your words, from time to time referring to the sources used. So, finally, it is going to help you save you from botheration of plagiarized work. At this point you understand how you're likely to concentrate on your subject and the way you are likely to pick the material for your research. As you are going to learn from looking through any very good research paper example, writing a fantastic paper involves so far more than simply throwing a lot of text and citations into a word processor and hoping for the very best. When you compose a research paper you build upon what you know about the topic and make a deliberate attempt to learn what experts know. Conclusion The decision of the customized research papers have become the most valuable single portion of it. There are a lot of good references to assist you with research methodology and technical writing. Making a research project is not a simple job. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. Publishing a research paper may not help you land a job for a calculus instructor but it's helpful in many fields. It gives you the opportunity to think seriously about some issue. Writing a superb research paper may be a daunting task that needs extensive research. Resarch Paper Explained The introduction may vary from a few paragraphs for a brief research paper (3-5 pages) to a variety of pages or possibly a chapter for a senior project or thesis. 1 approach that will help you with writing a thesis statement is to produce an extremely short, research paper outline listing in sentence form the key tips that you aspire to develop in order to show your thesis. In truth, it's not that simple when it has to do with the procedure for writing every page. Relevant journals you've been reading are also a great guide. Although it's the first part of your paper, the abstract, by definition, ought to be written last since it is going to summarize the contents of your whole paper. Abstract The function of the abstract is to provide a summary of the paper. You should be quite careful while you purchase research paper. As stated by the goal you select, a research paper must be either analytical and informative or argumentative. If you believe writing of a research paper is just about gathering relevant materials and copy-pasting then in another document, you're mistaken. Now you are all set to purchase your research paper. Expound briefly on the key points that are to be covered in the research paper, giving reason why readers ought to take interest in the subject. In case the author covers a problem that was not recently discussed, it could be hard to show the importance of the research question. Writing down a couple of ideas can be quite helpful, and lead you in a specific direction. To build on this issue and thesis of your paper or report, it is crucial to read on this issue. To begin with, you should pick a very good topic. It helps to start by brainstorming a topic.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Working in Teams and Project Management Frameworks
1. As a small group of people with complementary skills, it was our purpose to define roles, share talent and leadership for the achievement of our tasks. Defining the roles and understanding each role responsibility is an essential first step, vital to the project efficiency and success. Following Tuckman, who theorizes the 5 phases of team development – forming, storming, norming and performing, necessary for the team to grow, we faced up challenges. In the first stage of team building the forming took place. According to the short duration of the project– only four weeks, and inexperienced members, the roles were hardly defined. In this phase team members still behaved independently and it was most important for us to get to know each other, exchange some personal information and make friends. In the next stage – Storming, we were involved in discussion meeting the tasks we need to solve and define roles. In our case Storming phase was resolved quickly. The team decided who the team leader to be. Typically, there is an obvious â€Å"leader†, person who is most outgoing and knowledgeable. Usually this role is maintained for the whole duration of the project, but we found educationally beneficial for leader role to rotate weekly. We found it helpful ensuring balanced participation and allowing team members to learn new leadership skills and to sharpen their team skills. The other defined key role was the Recorder, because capturing information helps the team to stay focused andShow MoreRelatedProject Management Body Of Knowledge Framework1528 Words  | 7 Pages1. Project Management 1.1 Research PRINCE 2 PRINCE 2, which stands for Projects IN Controlled Environments, is a process-based methodology for effective project management. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller - 1628 Words
Arthur Miller wrote the Pulitzer Prize winning play Death of a Salesman in 1949. The play inflated the myth of the American Dream of prosperity and recognition, that hard work and integrity brings, but the play compels the world to see the ugly truth that capitalism and the materialistic world distort honesty and moral ethics. The play is a guide toward contemporary themes foreseen of the twentieth century, which are veiled with greed, power, and betrayal. Miller’s influence with the play spread wide across the country. The play is grouped in family dramas; however, it tells the story of a man desperate to challenge his failures in a society that values fortune and fame; his delusions of reality direct him down a tragic path, which eventually leads to the protagonist, Willy Loman to suicide. Willy Loman’s search for identity is an attempt to be the man according to the backward frontier tradition: the role a man is the supporter and that of the wife is one who keeps the home. His failure to achieve that dream fed his madness. Willy pursues his narrowed perception of the American Dream. He is emblematic of the failing modern American; he embodies the issues of those whom are consumed with dream over realityâ€â€taking shortcuts and failing to ad hear to personal sacrifice is whatâ€⠄¢s wrong with society, for we are manacled to the wrong values. Willy values intangible characteristics, such as personality and appearance over actual achievements and talent. He believes thatShow MoreRelatedDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1387 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican play-write Arthur Miller, is undoubtedly Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman in 1949 at the time when America was evolving into an economic powerhouse. Arthur Miller critiques the system of capitalism and he also tells of the reality of the American Dream. Not only does he do these things, but he brings to light the idea of the dysfunctional family. Death of a Salesman is one of America’s saddest tragedies. In Arthur Miller’s, Death of a Salesman, three major eventsRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller888 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman†is a play written by Arthur Miller in the year 1949. The play revolves around a desperate salesman, Willy L oman. Loman is delusioned and most of the things he does make him to appear as a man who is living in his own world away from other people. He is disturbed by the fact that he cannot let go his former self. His wife Linda is sad and lonely; his youngest son Biff is presented as a swinger/player while his eldest son Happy appears anti-business and confused by the behaviorRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1573 Words  | 7 Pagesrepresents a character with a tragic flaw leading to his downfall. In addition, in traditional tragedy, the main character falls from high authority and often it is predetermined by fate, while the audience experiences catharsis (Bloom 2). Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman is considered to be a tragedy because this literary work has some of the main characteristics of the tragedy genre. In this play, the main character Willy Loman possesses such traits and behaviors that lead to his downfall, and theRead MoreDeath of Salesman by Art hur Miller972 Words  | 4 PagesIn the play Death of a Salesman by the playwright Arthur Miller, the use of names is significant to the characters themselves. Many playwrights and authors use names in their works to make a connection between the reader and the main idea of their work. Arthur Miller uses names in this play extraordinarily. Not only does Miller use the names to get readers to correlate them with the main idea of the play, but he also uses names to provide some irony to the play. Miller uses the meanings of someRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller949 Words  | 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman can be described as modern tragedy portraying the remaining days in the life of Willy Loman. This story is very complex, not only because of it’s use of past and present, but because of Willy’s lies that have continued to spiral out of control throughout his life. Arthur Miller puts a modern twist on Aristotle’s definition of ancient Greek tragedy when Willy Loman’s life story directly identifies the fatal flaw of the â€Å"American Dream†. Willy Loman’s tragic flaw can be recappedRead MoreThe Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller846 Words  | 4 PagesA Dime a Dozen The Death of a Salesman is a tragedy written by playwright Arthur Miller and told in the third person limited view. The play involves four main characters, Biff, Happy, Linda, and Willy Loman, an ordinary family trying to live the American Dream. Throughout the play however, the family begins to show that through their endeavors to live the American Dream, they are only hurting their selves. The play begins by hinting at Willy’s suicidal attempts as the play begins with Linda askingRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller Essay2538 Words  | 11 PagesSurname 1 McCain Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: Death of a Salesman Death of a salesman is a literature play written by American author Arthur Miller. The play was first published in the year 1949 and premiered on Broadway in the same year. Since then, it has had several performances. It has also received a lot of accordances and won numerous awards for its literature merit including the coveted Pulitzer for drama. The play is regarded by many critics as the perfectRead MoreDeath Of Salesman By Arthur Miller1475 Words  | 6 Pagesto death to achieve their so- called American dream. They live alone and there is no love of parents and siblings. They may have not noticed the America dream costs them so much, which will cause a bigger regret later. In the play Death of Salesman, Arthur Miller brings a great story of a man who is at very older age and still works hard to achieve his desire, which is the American dream. Later, he notices that his youth is gone and there is less energy in his body. Willy Loman is a salesman, whoRead MoreDeath Of A Sales man By Arthur Miller2081 Words  | 9 Pages#1 â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by Arthur Miller is a tragedy, this play has only two acts and does not include scenes in the acts. Instead of cutting from scene to scene, there is a description of how the lighting focuses on a different place or time-period, which from there, they continue on in a different setting. The play doesn’t go in chronological order. A lot of the play is present in Willy’s flashbacks or memories of events. This provides an explanation of why the characters are acting a certainRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller1517 Words  | 7 PagesArthur Miller’s play titled â€Å"Death of a Salesman†offers a plethora of morals pertaining to the human condition. One moral, shown in Aesop’s fable â€Å"The Peacock and Juno†, pertains to that one should be content with that of which they are given, for one cannot be the best at everything. In Death of a Salesman there is, without a doubt, a paucity of content and ha ppiness within the Loman family. But what does it mean to truly be content? Aesop’s fable â€Å"The Peacock and Juno†, as the name suggests,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Killer Angels Analysis Essay Example For Students
Killer Angels Analysis Essay Wars have been fought for many different reasons through the years, and that holds true for the American Civil War (1861-1865). In Michael Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Killer Angels, the reasons for fighting the war are brought about through the officers and soldiers at a famous battle site of the Civil War, Gettysburg. Gettysburg was one of the most documented battles of the whole war. It took place over a span of three days and can be viewed as a turning point from Confederate prominence to Confederate demise. The Union and the Confederacy each had their own views as to why they were fighting the war. The propaganda pitch the Union gave was they were fighting to free the slaves. This was not true! It was said Southerners were fighting to preserve slavery. This is also a false statement. In fact, there were a substantial amount of generals in the Union army that owned slaves themselves. In addition the constitution protected slavery. If the true issue was to mai ntain slavery the South would not have seceded. There are many quotes from northern leaders that show clearly that the main purpose of the North was not the eradication of slavery, but subjugation of the southern people. Slavery was used to rally the northern population behind Abraham Lincoln’s war. It was an emotional issue, sure some Yankees joined and fought to â€Å"set men free†, but most were there to preserve the union. An interesting conflict of northern morals is discovered. The North is portrayed as wanting to set black men free, but they practiced economic slavery on the Southern states. The Civil War was really more politically complex with regards to Abraham Lincoln and his Republican Party’s actions. The South fought this war as the Second American Revolution. The Northern states politicians were aggressively attempting to implement a monarchial form of government, which was precisely what the early colonists had fought against in the American Revo lution. The Northern states were taking advantage of their superior numbers in the federal government and were using their advantage to implement unfair tariffs against the South. Enormous amounts of money were taken from the South and funneled into the northern states. Most of the revenue taken from the Southern states was used to run government programs. This brought about the argument of â€Å"State’s Rights†and a weaker central government by the South. The main cause of the war was Lincoln’s rejection of the right to peaceable secession of the eleven sovereign states and subsequently the denial of self-government to the nearly 8 million people living in those states. The Federal government needed the income from the South so they were forced into fighting to save the tax coming from the South. Without consulting Congress, Lincoln sent great armies of destruction to the South. The Southern people had no choice but to defend themselves from this invasion. The South fought, simply, for their independence, as the United States federal government of the northern states refused to allow the South to leave peacefully. The men of the South did not fight to win their freedom; they fought to keep it! For all intents and purposes, if the North had not invaded the South, there would have been no war. The name civil war implies that two, or more, groups of people within a country take up arms against each other in a struggle for the government. This was not what took place in the South between 1861 and 1865. It was an invasion of one nation into another independent, sovereign nation. The struggle is properly called The War For Southern Independence, as that is the most correct description of the reasoning behind the war. The Southern soldier fought to protect his home, State, and Nation from the invading United States army. He fought in honor of his forefathers who had fought against British tyranny. The soldiers of the Confederacy were not traito rs. Some historians have branded any man who fought for their home state in 1861-1865 as a traitor including General Robert E. Lee. This is a Yankee political point of view, which is quite narrow. Many of the leaders, both Union and Confederate were educated at West Point. Men, who resigned their union commission to join the Confederacy, did so because they believe and were taught that home (state) duty, honor, loyalty came before federal issues. It is slander to call them traitors based on the education received by the Federal government of that time. Many of the best-trained and highly skilled officers decided to side with the Confederacy. Probably, the most famous was General Robert E. Lee. He seemed nearly perfect in all aspects of life. He had great morals, was extremely religious, and his men showed proper respect.In a conversation with Confederate General James Longstreet, Lee knew old Virginia held a large spot in his hart. â€Å"There was a higher duty to Virginia. That wa s the first duty. There was never any doubt about that†(191). The respect for Lee shined through George Pickett and his division at Gettysburg. The idea that Lee was fighting for Virginia inspired Pickett’s men to charge at Cemetary Ridge, while the Union troops sat behind walls. Before the heroic run at Cemetary Ridge, Pickett and his men expressed Lee’s idea, â€Å"†¦and let no man forget today that he is from old Virginia.†If you investigate through diaries and other first hand accounts the reasons that these men fought for their homes, farms county and state, you may find many different answers to the reason why they fought. The citizen soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the greatest motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight for independence. They resigned their bond to a government that they found increasingly abusing the constitution and the rights of the states for self-determination. The tenacity with which Confederate soldiers fought underscored their belief in the rights guaranteed by the constitution. These attributes are the underpinning of our democratic society and represent the foundation on which this nation was originally built. They did not seek to destroy the federal government, they chose to withdraw and form their own government that was to be truer to the original constitution. Basically Northerners fought to preserve the Union and Southerners fought for their rights as a separate nation. The Union was victorious in the American Civil War, but feelings of the Federal Government not fulfilling its duties under the Constitution are still alive today. Wars will always be fought for different causes and that will always hold true with the wars of the future. 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